Glossary of Planning Terms

Glossary of Planning and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Terms

Glossary is usually defined as an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge. This knowledge base glossary provides a collection of knowledge base documents that define many technical terms. These terms are arranged alphabetically, but you can quickly jump to a specific term by selecting its first letter from the index of the knowledge base glossary below.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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Sanitary Landfill
A planned and systematic method of refuse disposal whereby the waste material is placed in the earth in layers, then compacted and covered with earth or other approved material.
A method of reducing the impact of visual and/or noise intrusions through the use of plant materials, berms, fences and/or walls, or any combination thereof. Screening blocks that which is unsightly or offensive with a more harmonious element.
A method of reducing the impact of visual and/or noise intrusions through the use of plant materials, berms, fences and/or walls, or any combination thereof. Screening blocks that which is unsightly or offensive with a more harmonious element.
Sectional Map Amendment (Sma)
(A) The rezoning of a planning area (or a combination of planning areas, municipalities, those areas subject to a master plan, or areas subject to an adopted urban renewal plan), either selectively or in its entirety, to implement a master plan and policies to achieve specified planning goals. (B) A legislative act that implements the land use recommendations contained in a master plan by comprehensively rezoning property to reflect master plan policies, but need not follow all master plan land use policies or recommendations.
Sensitive Environmental Features
These features include streams, stream valleys, and their associated features; the habitats of state-listed species that are rare, threatened, and endangered; 100-year floodplains; and certain high-priority forests.
The distance between a building or structure (not including ground-level parking lots or other paved surfaces) from property lines or from other buildings.
Severe Slopes
Those slopes that are greater than 25 percent. (Example: a 25-foot change in elevation in a 100-foot horizontal distance.)
Single-Occupancy Vehicle (Sov)
Vehicle containing only the driver.
Sky Glow
Light from nonnatural sources that reflects off the night sky and causes a reduction in the overall darkness of an area.
Specific Design Plan (Sdp)
Phase III of the Comprehensive Design Zone process. It is a precise site plan that includes exact locations of lots, buildings and streets, etc., architectural plans, exterior building elevations and detailed landscaping plans. (See also COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN ZONE.) (See also BASIC PLAN AND COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN PLAN)
See also:  Comprehensive Design Zone , Basic Plan , Specific Design Plan
Staged Development
A timing concept for the staging of private development and growth in an area so that development and growth are coordinated with the provision of needed public facilities, all in accordance with an adopted policy or plan.
State Implementation Plan (Sip)
A detailed description of the programs a state will use to carry out its responsibilities under the Clean Air Act.
Steep Slopes
Those slopes that are between 15 and 25 percent. (Example: a 15-foot change in elevation in a 100-foot horizontal distance.)
Stormwater Management
The collection, conveyance, storage, treatment and disposal of stormwater runoff in a manner to prevent accelerated channel erosion, increased flood damage, and/or degradation of water quality.
Stream Valleys
Floodplains and adjacent slope areas directly associated with a stream, e.g., the Anacostia River stream valley.
A public or dedicated right-of-way at least 30 feet in width or a private road, right-of-way, or easement along which development is authorized pursuant to Subtitle 24. (See Section 27-107.01 of the Zoning Ordinance.)
Street Line
A line separating the street from abutting property.
The environment of the public right-of-way as defined by adjacent private and public buildings, character of the pavement and street furniture, and use of the right-of-way.
Anything constructed or built, including parking lots and fencing. (See Section 27-107.01 of the Zoning Ordinance.
A special feature class in a coverage which allows many features of the same class to be defined. Annotation, region, route-system, and section are types of subclasses. For example, a road coverage may have three route-systems stored as subclasses for mail delivery, street cleaning, and garbage pickup.
The division by plat or deed of a piece of property into two or more lots, plots, sites, tracts, parcels, or other land divisions in accordance with Subtitle 24 of the Prince George's County Code.
Subdivision Regulations
Laws or regulations for the division of any land, lot or parcel into two or more lots, including the provision of streets and other public facilities.
A grouping of planning areas into a larger portion of a regional area. Prince George's County is divided into seven subregions.