Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
 > Xtreme Teens > Safe Summer Blog

Ocean City!

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Ocean City!
Another successful trip for Xtreme Teens; 8:00 a.m. Saturday June 28, 2014, we hit the road headed to Ocean City! As soon as we stepped of the bus, we were welcomed with the aroma of Cotton Candy and Board Walk Fries in the air. Eagerly we split up into our divided groups so we could go explore all the activities and festivities Ocean City had to offer. Hitting the board walk, the beach and even getting on the rides at Trimpers Rides. "“This trip was fun, the staff were great and friendly to us. I look forward to doing more with this group" said Xavier after arriving back from Ocean City. Another teen M. Roberts added "Today I enjoyed going down to the beach and walking down the board walk. I made a few friends on the bus and was able to spend time with my cousin." What a fantastic way to end the month of June, can't wait to see what July will offer.