
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Airport Land Use Compatibility and Air Safety Study November 2000 Report The Prince George's County Planning Department has been engaged in a work program effort to examine
risk and land use compatibility issues around the county's four general aviation airports: Potomac
Airfield in Friendly, Washington Executive Airpark in Clinton, Freeway Airport in Mitchellville,
and College Park Airport in College Park. The project is an outgrowth of several aircraft accidents
in the neighborhoods close to Potomac Airfield during the mid-1990s and resulting residents'
concerns. To help the staff further understand the issues and risks involved at Potomac Airfield
and the other airports in the county, the Planning Department hired a team of aviation consultants
to examine safety and land use compatibility issues around each airport, to research what is being
done in other jurisdictions, and to recommend state-of-the-art approaches to address issues in
Prince George's County.