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MD 704 (Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy) Streetscape Enhancement 30% Design and Engineering Report | October 2019 | Report | Develop 30% Design and Engineering Plans to Better Accommodate All Modes of Transportation | The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George's County Planning Department, Community Planning Division has initiated a project through the Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) program to identify and design streetscape improvements along MD 704 (Martin Luther King Jr. Highway) within the limits of the City of Seat Pleasant. In 2012, the Maryland State Highway Administration (MDOT-SHA) awarded a project to construct a road diet along MD 704 (Martin Luther King Jr. Highway) from Eastern Avenue/Washington, D.C. Line to Hill Road under contract number PG6995176. The MDOT-SHA project reduced the number of through lanes from three to two in each direction from Addison Road (South) to west of Hill Road. Through the limits of the lane reduction, a seven-foot-median shoulder was established with pavement markings in each direction. The PAMC project seeks to repurpose the additional marked median space and utilize available right-of-way to better accommodate all modes of transportation. This report describes the goals, history, and recommendations for the MD 704 (Martin Luther King Jr. Highway) Streetscape Enhancement project. This project was funded through the PAMC program administered by the Prince Georges County Planning Department. |
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