
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Largo-Lottsford Approved Master Plan and Adopted Sectional Map Amendment July 1990 Plan This document contains maps and supporting text of the Approved Largo-Lottsford Master Plan
Amendment as well as a description of the Adopted Sectional Map Amendment. The Plan supersedes the
1977 Largo-Lottsford Master Plan. The Plan is also an amendment to the General Plan for the
Maryland-Washington Regional District within Prince George's County, Maryland approved by the
County Council in 1982. Developed by the Commission with the assistance of the Largo-Lottsford
Citizens. Advisory Committee, this Plan discusses the history and existing plans of the area, and
analyzes population, employment, land use and zoning characteristics. The Plan sets forth goals,
objectives, concepts, recommendations and guidelines for each of the eight major elements:
Circulation and Transportation; Environmental Envelope; Living Areas; Commercial Areas and Activity
Centers; Employment Areas; Public Facilities; Parks, Recreation and Trails; and Historic
Preservation. The planning process concentrated on a number of specific issues. Of major concern
were (1) the future of undeveloped land along the east side of MD 202, (2) the balance between land
use and transportation, and (3) the number and size of retail commercial areas within the Planning
Area. This document also makes recommendations to implement the Master Plan during the ongoing
planning and regulatory process. The Sectional Map Amendment section describes zoning changes which
are designed to implement the Plans land use recommendations.