
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
The Approved East Riverdale-Beacon Heights Sector Plan April 2017 Plan The Approved East Riverdale-Beacon Heights Sector Plan The East Riverdale-Beacon Heights Sector Plan amends the 2014 Plan Prince George's 2035 Approved
General Plan by defining the Beacon Heights and Riverdale Park Neighborhood Centers. This Sector
Plan will replace the 1994 Approved Master Plan for Planning Area 68 and the 1994 Approved Master
Plan for Bladensburg-New Carrollton and Vicinity (Planning Area 69) for the portions of Planning
Areas 68 and 69 within the Sector Plan boundaries. In addition, this Sector Plan will amend the
2001 Approved Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Management Plan: A Functional Master Plan for Heritage
Tourism, the 2008 Approved Public Safety Facilities Master Plan, 2009 Approved Countywide Master
Plan of Transportation, the 2014 Formula 2040: Functional Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and
Open Space, and the 2017 Approved Resource Conservation Plan. This plan carries forward key
recommendations from the 2008 Central Kenilworth Avenue Revitalization Study and the 2013 Purple
Line Transit-Oriented Development Study.