
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
The Approved Central Branch Avenue Corridor Revitalization Sector Plan April 2013 Plan Sector Plan for Revitalization of the Central Branch Avenue Corridor The sector plan amends portions of the 2000 Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for
the Heights and Vicinity
(Planning Area 76A), 2006 Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for the Henson
Creek-South Potomac Planning Area, 2008
Approved Branch Avenue Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, and 1993 Approved
Subregion 5 Master Plan and Sectional Map
Amendment. This sector plan builds on the opportunities for growth and revitalization within
communities along the Central Branch Avenue
Corridor created by the potential future growth at Joint Base Andrews, the planned expansion of
Southern Maryland Hospital, and the planned
fixed guideway transit line along MD 5. These events, coupled with plans for transit-oriented
development at the Branch Avenue Metro Station,
create opportunities to reposition key commercial and employment centers and offer a broader range
of housing options. The sector plan
highlights these and other key opportunities and constraints. It presents redevelopment programs to
guide future growth and revitalization
at future transit nodes and within suburban strip shopping centers in six focus areas along Branch
Avenue and the Allentown, Suitland, and
St. Barnabas Road commercial corridors. Developed with extensive public participation, this
document presents background information;
plan goals; focus area visions and recommendations pertaining to land use, future zoning,
development programs, and concepts; corridorwide
recommendations for land use, community design, the environment, transportation, recreation and
parks, schools, and historic preservation; and
implementation strategies.