
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Rural Villages Study September 2012 Research Study Rural Villages Study The intent of this rural villages study is to better understand the impact of existing
regulations for site development and road improvements on rural character as well as the
future of alternative development strategies, the insertion of small-scale commercial or
service needs in these communities, and conservation of the rural landscape. Changes to
existing zoning, and other regulations that shape development, are not included in this
study. This study provides additional impetus and recommendations for preservation and
conservation strategies. It is focused on three communities in southeastern Prince George’s
County—Baden, Aquasco, and Croom—and provides the basis for recommendations for
incentives and regulations for enhancing and preserving the villages’ rural character. The
three villages are located in the county’s Rural Tier with the exception of the northeastern
portion of Croom that is located in the county’s Developing Tier.