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Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington Joint Land Use Study December 2009 Research Study Strategically located near Washington, D.C., Joint Base Andrews
Naval Air Facility Washington has supported military air operations
since World War II. The air base was originally located on a natural
plateau surrounded by rural land populated with small farms. After World
War II, rapid suburbanization of the Washington, D.C., metropolitan
area brought new development to the vicinity of the base, with numerous
residential neighborhoods, commercial properties, and public facilities
springing into existence during the 1950s and 1960s. Development
persisted around the base in the late twentieth century, intensified by the
construction of the nearby Capital Beltway and the Green Line branch of
Washington's Metro system. New homes and businesses were added to the
area as base air operations grew more complex, driven in part by Andrews'
proximity to the nation's capital. As suburban growth surrounded the air
installation, incompatibilities began to emerge. Homes and businesses
were located in active flight paths, subjecting residents, owners, workers,
and shoppers to noise impacts and potential safety hazards.