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Approved Branch Avenue Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment September 2008 Plan Branch Avenue Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment The Approved Branch Avenue Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map
Amendment comprises text, maps, illustrations, and pictures. The sector
plan amends portions of the 2000 Approved Master Plan and Sectional
Map Amendment for the Heights and Vicinity (Planning Area 76A) and
the 2002 Prince George's County Approved General Plan. Developed
with broad public participation, this document presents background
information, the vision for the area, and a discussion of the five elements
that frame the vision-Land Use and Economic Development, Design
and Appearance, Infrastructure to Support the Plan, Quality of Life,
and Community Involvement. The plan recommends the designation
of the Naylor Road Metro Station as a Regional Center with a mixeduse,
high-density residential/office/retail land use classification, and the
Iverson-Marlow Heights Mixed-Use Center as a node on the Branch
Avenue Corridor with a mixed-use, medium-density residential/office/
retail land use classification. The plan contains policies and strategies for
land use, economic development, urban design, parks and recreation,
transportation systems (including roadways, transit, bicycle, pedestrian,
and trail facilities), revitalization, public safety, and community
involvement. The overall objective of these policies and strategies is
to revitalize and redevelop the sector plan area, thereby improving its
visual appeal and providing pedestrian- and transit-oriented, mixed-use
development that will create a positive sense of place and attract new
residents, quality retail, and jobs while preserving and strengthening
the existing residential neighborhoods. The sectional map amendment
(SMA) contains zoning changes to allow implementation of the plan
vision and the land use concepts in the sector plan.