
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Guidelines for the Analysis of the Traffic Impact of Development Proposals September 2002 Special Report This document is the technical standard for the evaluation of the adequacy of transportation
facilities by the Prince George's County Planning Board. The Guidelines establish criteria by which
staff and applicants with land development proposals can assess the traffic impact of the
development proposals. They also indicate the manner in which the information will be presented to
the Planning Board. A glossary of terms frequently used by transportation professionals in provided
in Section 1 of these Guidelines. General information for initiating a traffic study is provided in
Section 2 through 4. Section 5 provides detailed guidance on study requirements for each type of
application. Section 6 through 10 describe the specific procedures required for the traffic study.
Section 11 describes the procedure for Transportation Facilities Mitigation Plans. Section 12
addresses the procedure for establishment of Road Clubs. The Guidelines incorporate methods and
practices which are currently being used by the Prince George's County Planning Department's
Transportation Planning Section (TPS) staff.