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Title: 2005 Prince George's County Office Market Trends   (December 2005)
An analysis of the commercial office, flex, and industrial space in suburban Maryland completed in 2004 by Hunter Interests Inc., under contract with The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), revealed a soft office market, a stronger flex space market, and the largest industrial market in the suburban sector of the metropolitan area. Hunter anticipates that "market trends in Prince George's County should continue to benefit from the strength of the regional economy." As   ... Read More
Price: $10.00  
Title: 2009 Prince George's County Community Indicators Study   (December 2009)
The 2009 Prince George's County Quality of Life and Community Indicators Study provides data to inform current policy discussions and decision-making. The study serves as a dynamic measurement tool that can support a variety of initiatives concerning the well-being of the people who live, work, play, go to school, or visit the county. This study presents subjective-qualitative and objective-quantitative indicators to monitor trends in economic, social, community, and environmental conditions in the county and the   ... Read More
Price: $0.00  
Title: 2011 Economic Development Toolbox Update   (February 2011)
The 2011 Economic Development Toolbox updates the 2008 Toolbox. The Toolbox is a catalogue of resources and information about available government and private sector opportunities for support and assistance in economic development policies, strategies and projects. It provides a practical, readily accessible guide to elected officials, county agencies, local community and economic development practitioners, community technical assistance providers, private investors and developers, non-profits, community leaders, and the general public.  
Price: $7.00  
Title: 2014 Pupil Yield Study of Public Schools in Prince George's County, MD   (September 2014)
The 2014 Pupil Yield Study of Public Schools in Prince George's County, MD includes an update of the methodology used to calculate public school pupil yield factors to estimate the number of elementary, middle, and high school students generated by newly constructed residential dwelling units in the county. The study provides updates of the 2008 pupil yield factors by school level and housing type as well as the current public school clusters used for planning purposes during the development review process.  
Price: Printed by request  
Title: 2014 Pupil Yield Study of Public Schools in Prince George's County, MD   (September 2014)
The 2014 Pupil Yield Study of Public Schools in Prince George's County, MD includes an update of the methodology used to calculate public school pupil yield factors to estimate the number of elementary, middle, and high school students generated by newly constructed residential dwelling units in the county. The study provides updates of the 2008 pupil yield factors by school level and housing type as well as the current public school clusters used for planning purposes during the development review process.  
Price: Printed by request  
Title: 2017 Resource Conservation Plan Technical Summary of Research, Analyses, and Supporting Documents   (July 2016)
This Technical Summary provides the research studies and analyses, and the web links to existing approved plans, that support the policies and strategies contained in the Resource Conservation Plan (RCP). They were completed over a period of several years leading up to the preparation of the RCP Preliminary Plan. Of particular interest are the analyses of the implementation of the policies and strategies of relevant master plans over the past 15 years.  
Price: Free  
Title: 2018 Environmental Technical Manual   (August 2019)
This Environmental Technical Manual provides guidance and direction on how to prepare environmentally related plans and documents for submission to Prince George's County in conformance with the appropriate sections of County Code.  
Price: Free  
Title: 2020 Mount Rainier Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone   (March 2020)
The goals of the Mount Rainier NCO Zone are: 1. Preserve and protect the overall character and scale of Mount Rainier’s single-family neighborhoods.2. Promote context-sensitive infill, additions, and renovations. 3. Enable a clear review and approval process with predictable outcomes.  
Price: Free  
Title: 2020 Update of the Pupil Yield Factors and Public School Clusters   (February 2020)
This study updates the pupil yield factors which are used in the regulatory review of preliminary plans of subdivision. These factors are used to measure the impact that a new subdivision will have on the public schools that might serve the proposed subdivision. To determine the schools that might be impacted by a proposed subdivision, school clusters are created and updated by the Planning Department. The school clusters are also part of this update.  
Price: Free  
Title: 2021 Takoma/Langley Crossroads Parking Study   (October 2021)
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) engaged RK&K to conduct a parking study within the Takoma/Langley Crossroads community of Prince George’s County. The objective of the study was to analyze existing parking conditions of certain commercial and residential areas and to develop an action plan to address parking supply deficiencies. The consultant team collected data from existing plans and studies, field reconnaissance, and residential and commercial surveys to develop the action plan. Recognizing   ... Read More
Price: Free  

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